Node Synchronisation

After being deployed, a node needs to synchronise the messages from Aleph.

A few metrics are exposed to monitor this synchronisation, on URL /metrics:

  1. Total number of messages synchronised: pyaleph_status_sync_messages_total

  2. Messages downloaded but not processed yet: pyaleph_status_sync_pending_messages_total

  3. Transactions downloaded but not processed yet: pyaleph_status_sync_pending_txs_total

The total number of messages [1] should reach the same value for every node in the Aleph network. Compare it to other nodes such as to evaluate how many messages still need to be synchronised.

The number of pending messages [2] and transactions [3] should reach a value close to zero when the node is operating, since messages in these queues should be processed by the node.

Ethereum height

The Aleph node can look for messages on the Ethereum blockchain. The metric pyaleph_status_chain_eth_last_committed_height indicates the number of the last block synced by the Aleph Node, to be compared with the number of the last block on the Ethereum chain behind the URL specified in the configuration (mainnet, rinkeby, …).